
Black Panther

1. A short description of each and a example if possible from a film of your choice.
Image result for black panther

Genre analysis:
 Genre is a style or category of Art,Music or Literature.The Genre of this film is Action, sci-fi,adventure and Fantasy. These genre creates a fast paste within the story and a huge plot twist.

Content analysis: 
 Everything That Makes up the film.

Narrative analysis:
 The Narrative is the brief story line plot twist when it becomes a family feud also as the Family have conflict over power. 


Reception study:
is a version of reader response literary theory that emphasizes each particular reader's reception or interpretation in making meaning from a literary text.

Fan Study:
A form of research focused on media fans and fan culture. It also is successful relationships which requires commitment and maintenance.

Black Panther Analysed:
This is a Action Genre which creates a Adrenaline pace throughout the movie as a whole; which makes it more intense and exciting to watch.This makes the audience feel on edge.Its use of Dark colors shows the type of Genre it is.As the story line continues we see more Characters and their backgrounds.


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