what i have learned so far.

What I have learned so far
Unit 29: Music Videos
Renee Chang- McCrae
Media Sectors
There are 10 media sectors these include, Publication, Gaming, TV, Film, Press, Animation, Advertising, interactive/Online media, Radio and photo imaging. In media sectors may also be called or described as Forms, Texts and Industries.
Purposes of Music Videos

Firstly, there are many reasons and purposes behind Music videos. A main purpose of music videos would be extension of income, by audience downloading and buying the songs and the videos; as the money is able to be made for the producers, directors and Artists. Also as well as the extension of outlets such as artist’s making music channel is for the audiences Gratification, and their website and direct DVD and CD sales, even promoting the particular lifestyle or look this has a lot to do with modern Fashion.
Another Main purpose for music videos would be promotion. This can be as promoting the artist, the record label and anyone or anything linked within the music. Another main purpose of music videos would be extension of income.
To begin with Genre is a French word and a meaning for type. It has characteristics feature recognized  by audiences the same formula, this is also audiences Gratification. Genre applies mostly to non-fiction and they are not static. It is a style of a specific media product; its main purpose is marketing meaning it has to attract a large amount and specific audience( E.g.)Marvel attract their fans that have always been into Action, sci-fi and superhero fiction.
Moreover this means that the audience will appeal to genre as it allows their expectations to be met and are able to find
pleasure in predicting. 
Generic conventions are often iconography which highlights the genres, and so the audience can automatically understand and know to relate to them. Within Genre they are also hybrid genres and crossover genres. 
A hybrid Genre is a genre that created more than one genre for example; a romantic comedy or and action horror. On the other hand, a crossover genre is blend of themes and elements from other genres together. Crossover Genres are more likely to be action horror, romance action as these can appear in many types of film and TV.

Styles of Music Videos
There Many different styles of music videos. These are popular, live, animated, interpretive, narrative, and surrealist, pastiche, impressionist, parody or commercial. These styles of music videos are clearly told apart through their difference in the uses of music videos codes and conventions. Some of these samples include, dancing, fashion, Lip-syncing Artist/band and colors.

Representation is a key concept in Music videos its allows you to understand what is real and what is represented is vital to our understanding. Representation id concerned with the way that people, ideas and events are presented on us which are our Beliefs, values and attitudes. Stereotypes, which are a fixed widely held but oversimplified thoughts of a person or thing, are used within representation.(Media is usually represented as stereotype in order to please or relate to the masses.)
Stereotypes may either be negative or positive E.g. Negative- “ All black men are criminals” Positive- “ All French people can cook


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