main purpose of commercial Radio.

What are the main purposes of commercial Radio?

Renee Chang- McCrae , Unit 45 commercial Radio
Faye Stowe

Throughout, this essay i will be exploring and identifying some of the main strategies and purposes of Commercial Radio. Commercial Radio is the broadcasting of radio programming by privately owned media, compared to state sponsorship. I will also be outlining how methods are used to attract the audience.

Firstly, one of the main purposes of Commercial Radio is to grab the audience's attention in buying the product. The idea of the company's advertising their products are good because it can reach as many people as it is easily accessed and free ; this means that the product being advertised goes viral and it is most likely given a higher chance of selling , Commercial radio is a good medium to take there messages to their customers.

Secondly, when people select the channel of the radio station to broadcast the adverts it is more likely that the company has reached to its target audience, since everyone has a different type of music and different radio stations. This also helps the company know which channels are best to spread  to what messages this is how they grab the audiences minds.

Another reason for the main purposes of commercial radio is that so the radio station itself can make the money from the advertisements. Radio stations supported mainly by advertisements and so this is why adverts are necessary during radios that is why circumstances they would not be able to afford. Commercial radios also buy a particular radio stations which allows them to save money and increase the number of continuing audiences.

In my conclusion , Radio stations do not charge their listeners for the product  they create and distribute. Instead they make a profit from the ads they sell, the special events they hold, the syndication of their most popular shows and in some cases the special services they can provide to other radio stations.


  1. Good effort, You are on the right track with most of the purposes. All purposes relate to raising revenue however, make sure you do your research with components I.d. advertising and how it actually makes the stations money. Main purposes: advertising, seasonal awareness, events, sponsorships, selling newscasts, syndication. Have a look at week 4 on the blog for extensive coverage.


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